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Thankful For Reading

Today's thankful post is not one to be summed up with a few short sentences but since it's nearing one a.m., I thought I would give it a go.

Photography by: Aaron Burden

Father God,

Thank you Father for placing it on my heart to read for pleasure and also to gain Your wisdom and knowledge. Thank you for spending time with me at all times, especially in the times where I seem to be "too busy". Thank you for putting it on my heart to learn from Your Word, bask in your grace and fall into Your arms. You have always been there, and even in the times where my mind forgets, You are still there. Thank you for all the beautiful Promises You have made, the one's I have seen come to pass and the ones I patiently wait for. Thank you for changing my heart, delivering me from bitter memories and teaching me how to forgive quickly. Thank you Father for Your Word where I can journey through countless adventures, and find myself closer to You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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