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It's Prime Time!

It has been three weeks since my hysteroscopy post-op appointment and after weeks of being poked and prodded, my doctor has ordered me to begin the Estrogen Priming Protocol (EPP) for IVF. This includes taking Estrace tablets for ten days to improve the number of mature eggs during my luteal phase.

These past three weeks have been busy, to say the least. We've had multiple doctor visits for bi-weekly blood draws, an awkward introduction to “Wanda” (the infamous vaginal ultrasound probe), five eye-twitching days without caffeine, and one Ovidrel Trigger injection. But, it seems as if this is just part of the process and though we do not know the outcome, we are excited for the weeks to come.

In case you missed the last post, I have been led to be candid about our IVF journey for Baby Jackson. The reason for my vulnerability is partially due to the initial consultation, genetic testing, and sperm analysis a few years back. To be candid, it was the loneliest road Daniel and I had ever experienced. There was nobody to contact and no one to talk to. It was not a conversation in coffee shops and it was certainly not discussed in the church. And while there was nothing wrong with this, we felt lost.

When we started this process again a couple of months ago, I felt in my heart that no one should ever experience infertility alone. In these next few months, I will be documenting the IVF journey for Baby Jackson. This is not only for our miracle baby but for couples who might be struggling to conceive a baby of their own. I want couples to realize infertility does not have to be kept a secret. I pray anyone who stumbles upon these words finds peace and comfort in knowing they are not alone; even if people don't talk about it.

Welcome to our IVF story, it's PRIME time, baby!

I waited patiently for the Lord;

And He inclined to me,

And heard my cry.

Psalm 40:1

Joyfully expectant,


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