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Counterfeit Commentary
This is a time when we must be able to decipher the lies we hear and the Living Word we know. In the Bible, we are instructed not to add...
Hiding Behind Fig Leaves
Just as Adam and Eve hid behind fig leaves, we often hide our true selves behind facades, fears, and failures.
Climbing Trees
What do we know about Zacchaeus? Well, we know he shimmied up the tree a sinner and stepped down a saint. Want to know more? Check out...
30-Day Bible Reading Plan
Last November, God asked me to do a social media fast. At first, I found every excuse under the sun on why this would be a terrible idea....
A Little Longer
How is it possible to lift people up by lowering them down? Grab your Bible and find out more by listening to the sermon below.
Quit Draggin' Your Wagon
Forgiving is not an option, it’s a command. So, what’s holding you back? Is it God? Is it the enemy? Or is it you? Want to know more?...
He Left the 99
Do you feel suffocated, lost, or unworthy? These feelings are the enemy, the wolf in sheep’s clothing spitting foul words into your ear,...
Don't Be Afraid to Rock the Boat
Want to be more like Jesus? Here's how ... Don't be afraid to rock the boat!
I Told You So
Do you know the only person who can rightfully said, "I told you so..." ? Find out who in last Sunday's message! Struggling with pride?...
On Your Knees
It's time to stop standing up and pointing fingers and start kneeling down and washing feet! Joyfully His,
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