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Welcome to my page. Please, stay awhile! 

My name is Carolyn Soto Jackson and I am a proud native Texan. Professionally, I serve as a local pastor, finding my deepest connection to spirituality through writing. I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of Houston and earned a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Truett Seminary at Baylor University.

In 2016, I married my husband Daniel, and together we adopted Moose, our delightfully witty dog. I am an avid adventurer with a profound passion for Jesus, capturing my spiritual journey (alongside my husband) through both prose and portraits. During leisure hours, you will often find me hiking, cycling, or savoring the atmosphere of a local coffee shop. 


Joyfully His,


Wild Adventures: Finding Joy in the Journey

Consider this your cordial invitation for Wild Adventures. Lay down your phone, turn off Netflix, and join me as we trek through a compilation of my personal testimonies with Jesus. These personal encounters are to encourage you to discover your own journey with God, enabling you to seek out a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him. These pages are intended to be filled with more than ink; tears, coffee stains, dirt, and flour, are welcome to help you organize your own creative rendezvous with God. If you are in need of a reminder to slow down and pursue God, this is it. Lace up your shoes, tighten your belt, and cultivate a new relationship with Him by finding joy in the journey.

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